Odd Huge Waves Sculptures

Scottish sculptor David Mach thrives on the idea of captivating daily resources and together transforms them keen on strange substance. As of cable hanger to matchsticks, the performer create small- and large-scale provisional fitting in attempt to discover novel meaning in everyday, found objects. In these mountainous installations, Mach sculpted ocean of old magazine into huge, swirl waves that come into view to be overwhelming all kind of substance, as of old cars to big pieces of furnishings. In a meeting previous this year, Mach supposed, “I’m a materials junkie, I just can’t get my hands on enough stuff to make things with.” The artist finds that, by means of things with which we every one including him interrelate with every day, he is able to build an immediate connection with his viewers. The size and scale of his pieces are incredibly enormous and it’s impossible to pass by with no stopping to reflect on the sheer scale of his artwork. Check out these odd artwork.